Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I call into question..

Here lately all of the things I have convinced myself I am fully made of 
have been questioned. 


I've heard stories of this happening.
this "quarter life crisis"

(I'm not 25 but I'm close enough)

and I have lost SLEEP over this.

I know that it's silly.. at 23 you should be pretty secure in your being.. but the events that have taken place proved differently.

So, I'm working on it..

I'm working on me.
I am keeping the good and getting rid of the bad.

Don't get me wrong.. I am all about some peace, love and happiness.
But during this quarter life crisis it's all about inner peace, self love, and personal happiness. 

I know it's not the way that I plan on being..but I think it is going to help me in the long run!

Let's work on ourselves together!

Stop judging others and start worrying about you! 
You never know what you may find along this journey with me!

I love you guys!

peace & love


  1. If you're ever in search of an accurate long list of all your awesome virtues I would be happy to oblige :)

  2. I know exactly what you mean. It took me a long time before I was okay with who I am. I really feel that no one has the right to judge anyone for any reason.
